josh taylor

School District Consolidation

The Parents’ Campaign supports the consolidation of school districts when an obvious benefit to student achievement would result. Over the years, Mississippi has undergone significant consolidation of its public school districts, dropping from a high of well over 1,000 districts as recently as the mid-1900s to the current 137. Across the United States, the number

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These bills affect our children

Today was the deadline for bills to pass the chamber in which they originated. See how your legislators voted on education bills that survived today’s deadline and which bills died on the calendar without a vote: Teacher Pay RaiseHB 530 – VOTE YES  Passed full House – see House vote,  goes to Senate committee(s) – 43,000 starting salary; annual

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Today, the House Education Committee passed two dangerous bills. We need your help to defeat them. HB 795 is a voucher bill that uses state funds for non-public school students to attend a virtual school with no accountability. This is what the Legislature banned in 2020 when tightening up the ESA voucher statute in response to numerous abuses

VOUCHER ALERT – Need Calls! Read More »

Public education is her passion

Those who know Marsha Gates won’t be surprised that she’s been named The Parents’ Campaign’s Member of the Quarter. A public school parent and longtime member of The Parents’ Campaign, Marsha is an enthusiastic volunteer for the Okolona School District, a leader in the Okolona community, and a staunch advocate for public schools statewide. She

Public education is her passion Read More »

Last chance: Teacher listening session & parent literacy meeting

This week presents the final opportunity for teachers and parents to take advantage of important meetings. Thursday evening in Madison, Senate Education Chairman Dennis DeBar will hold his final listening session with teachers. All teachers are strongly encouraged to attend and share their thoughts. Those who were unable to attend earlier sessions in their own congressional

Last chance: Teacher listening session & parent literacy meeting Read More »

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