Threats, Coercion, and the School Funding Rewrite
Legislators in both parties are speculating that the leadership will hold the appropriations, transportation, and bond bills in conference and use them as leverage to
Will Leadership Resurrect HB 957, Overrule Voters?
Word at the Capitol is that there is a move afoot to resurrect HB 957 and pass it in a special session. Sources tell us that Lt.
A Big Win for Mississippi Children
WOW! Your State Senate came through for Mississippi children in a big way today! House Bill 957 is dead. During debate, Sen. Hob Bryan made a motion
RED ALERT: HB 957 Slashes Special Education Funding
The latest revelation about the devastating nature of HB 957 is that it will slash funding for children with special needs. HB 957 would send 102
RED ALERT: School Funding Rewrite Headed to Senate Floor
It’s now or never, friend! It’s time for moms, dads, and educators to stand up, speak out, and let our legislators know that we will
Senate Version of HB 957 Indicates Additional Losses
The Senate version of HB 957 indicates that the intent of the Legislature is to withhold nearly $100-million in Career and Technical Education (CTE) funding that has historically been
Senate Ed Committee Meets on School Funding Rewrite
Today the Senate Education Committee met with EdBuild representative Rebecca Sibilia to discuss HB 957. The bottom line is that the funding for school districts provided
Senate Leadership Evades Questions on School Funding Plan
In an afternoon meeting with EdBuild and senators, Senate Education Chairman Gray Tollison was evasive about a Senate version of HB 957, declining to answer
See How Much Your School District Loses in HB 957
Have you seen how much your school district will lose if House Bill 957 becomes law? See what your district would lose here. No matter how
House Bill 957 is a Threat to Public Schools
House bill 957 would eliminate the current school funding formula (MAEP) and create a new funding system that would, when fully implemented, provide public schools $292-million
Voucher Bill 2623 Dies, Funding/Voucher Threat Remains
Kudos to Mississippi senators who stood up for our public schools! With so little support for vouchers in the Senate, SB 2623 was never brought up
RED ALERT: Voucher Bill Headed to Senate Floor – Please Call
Senate Bill 2623, an alarming voucher bill, passed the Senate Education Committee today and is headed to the Senate floor. Please ask your senator to vote
Privatization Bill Passes First Committee – Need Calls
Well, Mississippi, you did yourself proud! THANK YOU for your amazing response to the STAND UP FOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS VIRTUAL RALLY! Now we need to keep
Tomorrow’s the Day to Speak Up for Our Kids
STAND UP FOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS VIRTUAL RALLY – WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24 Are you ready to RALLY – virtually? Tomorrow, January 24, is the day! How
URGENT: Our Kids Need You Wednesday!
Tired of the threats to slash school funding and send what little funding we have left to private academies? Make your voice heard without ever
Dangerous Voucher Bills Introduced in House & Senate
Voucher bills have been introduced in both the Mississippi House and Senate. Please ask your legislators to vote NO on these bills. There are several
House Passes Terrible Funding Bill, Tell Senators to Vote NO
This morning, the House tabled the motion to reconsider the vote on HB 957 and sent the bill on to the Senate. We know how
Watch House Debate on HB 957 Today at 2 p.m.
We hear you! Believe us, you are not alone. We have never received more calls, texts, and social media messages about an issue. Parents, educators, and public
CALL NOW! Stop HB 957!
Please call your representative right away – our children need your help to defeat House Bill 957! The House Appropriations Committee passed HB 957 this
RED ALERT: HB 957 Guts School Funding; Call Today!
Just when you thought Mississippi’s school funding couldn’t get much worse… House Bill 957 is worse than school funding in the Barbour administration and worse
Financial Impact of Attendance Provision in HB 957
HB 957 slashes the funding for school districts that have less than 93 percent student attendance on the two days that auditors make unannounced visits