House Names Education Committee, Governor Signs HB 1
Committees have been named in the Mississippi House of Representatives. Rep. Richard Bennett of Long Beach will return as chair of the House Education Committee,
Ready for a Better Mississippi?
Know someone under 40 who’s ready for a better Mississippi? Our sister organization, The Parents’ Campaign Research and Education Fund, has just launched a terrific
Shenanigans in the House
Lt. Governor Delbert Hosemann made it clear at the start of the session that he does not intend to engage in petty partisan politics, pledging
Reverse Repealer
Reverse Repealer A repealer is a provision included in a statute that sets a date on which that law is repealed, or ceases to be
Conference Committee
Conference CommitteeWhen the House of Representatives and the Senate fail to agree on any portion of a piece of legislation, conference can be invited by
Senate Names Education Committee, House Addresses Teacher Pay Raise Snafu
The first week of the 2020 Legislative Session is in the books! Philip Gunn was sworn in for a third term as Speaker of the
A Fresh Start!
Ready for a fresh start? The 2020 Legislative Session convenes at noon today with a new Legislature and new leadership. With that comes new opportunities –
A Game-changer for Public Schools
Yesterday, the Board of Trustees for Mississippi’s Public Employees Retirement System made the final ruling on a policy change allowing state retirees to serve in
A Big Opportunity
You have the power to change the course of a child’s life. Time and again, your voice has made the difference, protecting our schools from
Mississippi Has Lost a Champion of Public Education
We at The Parents’ Campaign join with all Mississippians in mourning the passing and celebrating the legacy of former House Speaker Billy McCoy, a true
You Might Be Surprised at the Change You Created!
We asked for CHANGE in this election, and we think you’ll be surprised at how well you delivered. Despite some bitter disappointments, there are some
Remember How You Felt That Day Last March?
Remember how you felt that day last March? Legislators told us they were with us. Most agreed: more money for teacher pay; no more money for
AG Opinion on Teachers’ Rights
Teachers can and should be involved in political activities! Mississippi’s Attorney General has issued a number of opinions stating that “school employees may voluntarily participate
Teachers Have Every Right to be Angry
Do they think they can pull one over on us that easily? We saw it coming back in March. And we told you about it
Reduction in State Testing Proposed, Reading Help for 3rd Graders Offered
The Mississippi Board of Education has proposed eliminating the state U.S. History exam currently required of Mississippi high school students. Read more here. The public
Two Important Things
Public schools could see full funding in the near future! But only if you demand it when you cast your vote on November 5. Remember
Moving in the Right Direction
THANK YOU for showing up at the polls and casting your votes for candidates who support public schools! On Tuesday, seven more incumbent legislators lost
TODAY – We Need Your VOTE
Today is a watershed moment for our public schools. We need your vote! A strong turnout of public education voters is THE KEY to winning
State Test Scores and Other Testing News
State test scores are in, and the news is good! School districts continued their decades-long trend of academic improvement. Mississippi students showed gains in nearly
Primary Election Runoff is Critical for Public Education
Tuesday was a great day for our children, our teachers, and our public schools. Election 2019 is shaping up to be a good one for
Sleazy Attacks on Pro-Public School Candidates
The mudslinging is in full force! Direct mail attack ads are showing up in mailboxes, and they have a couple of common themes: • they are