josh taylor

Time to Grab Your Cape!

Grab your cape! The 2019 Legislature is in session. We are looking forward to working with our children’s heroes – parents, educators, and legislators – to strengthen public education. How will you know if your legislators are among the heroes voting to support strong public schools? The Parents’ Campaign will make it easy! We’ll cut through

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PEER Review of Vouchers: Fraud, Lack of Accountability, Unspent Funds

Mississippi’s PEER* Committee has issued a damning report of our state’s ESA voucher program, which uses public funds to pay private school tuition for children with special needs. Findings include: • Since the program’s implementation in 2015, 43% of funds appropriated have not been spent • Of 776 new vouchers assigned prior to December 2018, only 346 were

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School Funding: What is Reasonable?

(Guest column by Nancy Loome, published in Mississippi newspapers including The Meridian Star, Mississippi Business Journal, and Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal) What happens when elected officials undervalue public education? Mississippians – especially our children – are left at a competitive disadvantage. Communities wither and once-thriving businesses disappear. Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann recently shared the results of a

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Accountability Review Set for October 10

The State Board of Education will review Mississippi’s school and district accountability model at a work session set for 2:00 p.m. on October 10, 2018. This public meeting will take place in the fourth-floor board room of the Department of Education at 359 North West Street in Jackson. The review was inspired by numerous concerns expressed to the Board about

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Accountability Ratings Delayed by State Board of Education

The State Board of Education has voted to delay consideration of school and district accountability ratings until its October meeting. Some board members expressed a desire to spend more time reviewing the ratings and considering the numerous public comments they received. Many of the public comments noted reservations about the annual use of percentile rankings to

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