Teacher Pay Raise Conference Report Filed

10 p.m. update on teacher pay raise: $1,500 raise for certified and assistant teachers, per conference report filed at 9:30 p.m. on 3/27/2019. No word on K-12 appropriation, which must include funding for the pay raise. Also watching for voucher provisions/funding that could be added to any bills. See conference report on SB 2770 (teacher pay raise): http://billstatus.ls.state.ms.us/documents/2019/dt/cr/SB2770CR.pdf.

Keep calling to insist on the $4,000 raise. Legislators CAN send the conference report back with instructions to increase the raise from $1,500 to $4,000. Remember, it will take MORE than $4,000 just to move Mississippi from 51st to 50th in teacher pay. Capitol switchboard: 601.359.3770

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