MS Legislature

RED ALERT: Voucher Bill Headed to Senate Floor – Please Call!

HB 1046 has passed the Senate Appropriations Committee and is headed to the floor. A strike-all amendment has turned the bill into a dangerous voucher bill that threatens local school district funding and sends Mississippi tax dollars out of state to unaccountable private schools. See the amended version here. The biggest problem? This bill creates private school vouchers, which Cambridge Dictionary defines as scholarships

RED ALERT: Voucher Bill Headed to Senate Floor – Please Call! Read More »

RED ALERT: Calls Needed Immediately!

A Senate strike-all amendment could make HB 1046 the most alarming bill we’ve seen this year. Here’s why: • Drains school budgets – takes MAEP money away from your school’s already under-funded allocation and sends it to private academies.  • State budget buster – allows unlimited vouchers for private school tuition; if 10% of Mississippi students requested a voucher, the cost to

RED ALERT: Calls Needed Immediately! Read More »

RED ALERT: Vouchers Resurrected

The Senate Education Committee has amended a dyslexia bill to insert voucher language similar to what you helped kill on the House side. The Senate version of HB 1046 would potentially allow thousands of students to take MAEP dollars to private schools – including schools in any other state, which could divert millions of dollars away from public schools and

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Three Cheers for the Mississippi Legislature!

Three cheers for the Mississippi Legislature – all voucher bills are DEAD! Due to lack of support, the bills never came up for a vote. Please thank the legislators who stood with parents and educators to kill privatization bills that would have harmed public schools. Find contact information for legislators in your school district. Capitol Switchboard: 601.359.3770

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Voucher Bills in House & Senate

Three voucher bills await action in the Senate Finance Committee, which is scheduled to meet tomorrow afternoon. Please ask the committee members to vote NO on SB 2575, SB 2585, and SB 2947. Find their contact information here.  These bills use tax credits and deductions to subsidize tuition at private schools, reducing the funding available to public schools. This

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Curious Turn on MAEP, More Vouchers to Fight

Yesterday, Speaker Gunn told Capitol reporters that the House would hold the MAEP appropriation for FY2018 (next school year) until they take up the rewrite of the MAEP formula. This morning, the House Appropriations Committee passed a K-12 funding bill that funds the Department of Education and special programs like literacy but omits MAEP funding for public

Curious Turn on MAEP, More Vouchers to Fight Read More »

MAEP Revamp Bill Coming; Legislators, Public Kept in Dark

The Mississippi Business Journal reports that legislators will be asked in the next two days to vote on bills that strike the MAEP from state law and replace it with a new school funding mechanism. As of this afternoon, the proposal has not been made public and has not been presented to legislators. With so little legislative review and

MAEP Revamp Bill Coming; Legislators, Public Kept in Dark Read More »

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