Voucher Bills in House & Senate

Three voucher bills await action in the Senate Finance Committee, which is scheduled to meet tomorrow afternoon. Please ask the committee members to vote NO on SB 2575, SB 2585, and SB 2947. Find their contact information here. 

These bills use tax credits and deductions to subsidize tuition at private schools, reducing the funding available to public schools. This is a clever way privatizers try to disguise vouchers.  

Please also ask your own senator to be on the lookout for these bills and to vote NO. 

 Find contact information by school district here. 

Share the same message with Lt. Governor Reeves – Capitol: 601.359.3200

The House  Ways & Means committee met today and did not take up its voucher bill, but they still have until Wednesday to get it to the floor for a vote. Please make sure your representative knows to vote NO on HB 1703.

  Find contact information by school district here.

Share the same message with Speaker Gunn – Capitol: 601.359.3300

You can leave a message for any legislator at the Capitol Switchboard: 601.359.3770

While you have them on the phone, remember to thank legislators who stood up for our public schools when the first round of detrimental bills went to the floor for votes, and ask that they remain vigilant about insisting on a complete public vetting of any MAEP rewrite. Let me know what you’re hearing from your legislators, and I’ll keep you posted on this end. Together, we’ve got this! 

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