josh taylor

The Latest on Important Bills

Here’s a quick update on progress to date on the education bills we are watching… On the House calendar awaiting a floor vote – deadline next Thursday, March 12: HB 989 – Limits Local Control/School Board Authority – VOTE NO – Prohibits local school boards from raising ad valorem taxes for the support of the school district when the

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These Bills Affect Your Schools!

Please keep calling about the voucher bill. Your calls are making a difference! SB 2594 narrows the ESA voucher program by requiring that private voucher schools provide the special education services called for in a voucher student’s IEP. That’s good. But there’s a giant loophole that lets voucher schools circumvent this key requirement: allowing online

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They’re Talking About YOU!

Folks in the know believe public education voters can swing this election. They are talking about you! But we must get every single public school supporter to the polls. And they must know which candidates will stand up for our public schools. We need your help, and it’s as easy as 1-2-3… 1. KNOW which candidates

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We Can WIN!

If you support our public schools, our children need your vote in the August 6 Primary Election. The stakes are HUGE! There are many pro-public school candidates running in both party primaries and you can read where candidates stand on issues like teacher pay, vouchers, pre-k, and school funding on our Candidate Q&A website. If there are candidates in your

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