josh taylor

CALL NOW! Stop HB 957!

Please call your representative right away – our children need your help to defeat House Bill 957! The House Appropriations Committee passed HB 957 this morning, and it is scheduled for a floor vote tomorrow. HB 957 strikes the MAEP from law and replaces it with a horribly flawed plan that slashes K-12 funding by […]

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RED ALERT: HB 957 Guts School Funding; Call Today!

Just when you thought Mississippi’s school funding couldn’t get much worse… House Bill 957 is worse than school funding in the Barbour administration and worse than school funding in the current administration. Reality: Districts are barely keeping their heads above water because cost increases have outpaced funding gains. HB 957 would take us even further backward

RED ALERT: HB 957 Guts School Funding; Call Today! Read More »

Public Ed PAC is great news for MS schools!

Mississippians of all political persuasions love their public schools, and they are expressing that support at the ballot box! Proof positive can be found in the results of recent special elections for state House and Senate seats. The newly formed Mississippi Public Education PAC (MSPEPAC) is making it easy for voters to identify and support candidates who run

Public Ed PAC is great news for MS schools! Read More »

Time to Call! Vouchers and MAEP Rewrite May Be Fast Tracked

Grab your cape! Our children need a hero to stand up for their public schools. The 2018 Legislative Session convened yesterday, and already the privatizers are stalking the hallways of the Capitol, pressuring lawmakers to make a commitment this week about their votes on voucher bills. Please check in with your legislators now and make

Time to Call! Vouchers and MAEP Rewrite May Be Fast Tracked Read More »

Wear BLUE this Friday, Support Public School Teachers

Show your support for public schools public school teachers by wearing BLUE this Friday – and keep it up throughout the Legislative Session! This terrific idea came to us from our friends at Mississippi Professional Educators and was inspired by one of their members, principal Chris Chism, who turned to Facebook to express his frustration with our state leaders

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Scheme Would Strike School Funding Formula from Law

Heads up – the 2018 Legislative Session starts January 2, and reputable sources tell us that the House leadership plans an early move to eliminate the school funding formula from law, erasing the Legislature’s obligation to provide adequate funding for public schools. Legislators and superintendents say that House leaders have summoned small groups of legislators to

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The Voucher Hoax in Your Mailbox

Privatizers are sending out mailers intended to trick public school supporters into backing vouchers. Their direct mail pieces claim that Education Savings Accounts (their fancy name for vouchers) “provide families freedom” and “provide teachers flexibility to foster and nurture students.” Both claims are patently false. ESAs are designed to benefit private schools, not students. Here are

The Voucher Hoax in Your Mailbox Read More »

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