josh taylor

Input Invited: MDE Considers Accountability Changes

The State Board of Education is considering resetting cut scores, once again, which could affect the accountability rating for your high school. The MDE is required to accept public comments on any proposed change in the accountability system, including changes to cut scores. Comments will be shared with the State Board of Education prior to accountability ratings being adopted […]

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Wow! Great News About Mississippi Public Schools

Mississippi’s public school teachers are amazing, and our most recent national test scores prove it! Over the last decade, Mississippi students have outpaced the nation in improvement on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), the “Nation’s Report Card.” But the really great news comes when we dig a little deeper. When test scores are disaggregated,

Wow! Great News About Mississippi Public Schools Read More »

Pro-public Education Wave Sweeping Mississippi and U.S.

Public school supporters across the country  are taking to the streets to demand that their elected officials put their money where their mouths are when it comes to strengthening public schools. Educators in the #RedforEd movement are using their “teacher voices” as they march on their state capitols and head to the polls, demanding higher salaries and better funding for

Pro-public Education Wave Sweeping Mississippi and U.S. Read More »

#RedforEd Funding Protests Sweeping the U.S.

#RedForEd marches continue in Arizona (Source: Arizona Republic) Arizona: How three decades of tax cuts suffocated public schools (Source:   Colorado teachers protest at state capitol (Source: Denver Post) Colorado teachers are rallying at the capitol for more funding and higher pay (Source: What teacher strikes are really about – there’s more to the story (Source: Which states might

#RedforEd Funding Protests Sweeping the U.S. Read More »

It’s a Wrap! Here’s Our Take…

Congratulations, SUPERHERO! Today, the Mississippi House and Senate adjourned the 2018 Regular Legislative Session sine die, closing out a session in which parents, educators, public school supporters, and legislators STOOD UP together to protect our children and their public schools. Working with our legislators, you accomplished: PASSAGE of HB 1592, the K-12 appropriation bill that provides a

It’s a Wrap! Here’s Our Take… Read More »

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