March 2022

Teacher Pay Raise Update

Your calls are working!  In a press conference this afternoon, House Education Chair Richard Bennett reiterated that the teacher and assistant teacher pay raise bill is a priority for that chamber and said they are eager to get a compromise bill on Gov. Reeves’ desk. Speaker Gunn said that the House is sending a strong

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Bills That Survived Today’s Deadline

So far, no conference committee meeting has been called for the teacher pay raise bill, HB 530. Ask conferees to hold a PUBLIC conference committee meeting promptly and get a final bill to Gov. Reeves. Rep. Richard Bennett  601.359.3365Rep. Kent McCarty  601.359.9465Rep. Kevin Felsher  601.359.1839Sen. Dennis DeBar  601.359.3221Sen. Hob Bryan  601.359.2220Sen. Briggs Hopson  601.359.3250 Find

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School District Consolidation

The Parents’ Campaign supports the consolidation of school districts when an obvious benefit to student achievement would result. Over the years, Mississippi has undergone significant consolidation of its public school districts, dropping from a high of well over 1,000 districts as recently as the mid-1900s to the current 137. Across the United States, the number

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Senate Committees Save Teacher Pay Raise AGAIN

Once again, the Senate has saved the teacher pay raise for Mississippi teachers!  We’re so very grateful to Lt. Gov. Delbert Hosemann, Senate Education Chair Dennis DeBar, Senate Appropriations Chair Briggs Hopson, and the Senate Education and Appropriations Committees for rejecting petty politics and taking up the House pay raise bill by today’s deadline. In

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