URGENT: Our Kids Need You Wednesday!

Tired of the threats to slash school funding and send what little funding we have left to private academies?

Make your voice heard without ever leaving home or work, missing carpool or appointments. Add your voice to thousands of others with a VIRTUAL RALLY this Wednesday, January 24!

How to rally “virtually”…
Use your smart phone, computer, or other device to “message” your legislators in every way possible. Our rally message is STAND UP FOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS! #No2VouchersMS #ProtectSchoolFunding

What we need for you to do:
• Write your emails, tweets, text messages, Facebook posts, etc., now and have them ready to go for Wednesday. Find contact information for legislators and the leadership here – including email, phone, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
• Use the hashtags #No2VouchersMS and #ProtectSchoolFunding and the rally graphic linked here.
• Set up Twitter and Instagram accounts if you don’t have them already. Easy instructions are here and here.
• Spread the word! Help ensure an overwhelming response by recruiting friends, family, and coworkers to join us. They can sign up for our emails here.

The voucher bills that are circulating demonstrate perfectly why Wednesday is so important. These bills invite fraud and abuse, allowing parents to use a mobile app to send state tax dollars to any fly-by-night “school” that buys an accreditation online. The bills appear to open vouchers to home schoolers by exempting voucher students from compulsory school attendance laws, and they change dramatically how average daily attendance is counted for funding purposes by deleting the law allowing excused absences for academic field trips or school-related events off campus, etc. Read more.

Please ask your legislators to:

Vote NO on any voucher bill!
Vote NO on any MAEP rewrite that slashes the state’s obligation to our children!

Find contact information for legislators. Capitol Switchboard: 601.359.3770

Share the same message with:
Lt. Governor Reeves Capitol: 601.359.3200
Speaker Gunn Capitol: 601.359.3300

Voucher and funding bills could come up in the Education Committees as early as tomorrow, so make those calls today and get ready to RALLY (virtually) on WEDNESDAY.

When we all email, call, tweet, Facebook, Instagram…you name it…they won’t be able to ignore us. You may not be there in person, but your message will reach the Capitol loudly and clearly! Together, we’ve got this!

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