TODAY – We Need Your VOTE

Today is a watershed moment for our public schools. We need your vote! A strong turnout of public education voters is THE KEY to winning the day for public school children.

We need for every single public education supporter to go to the polls and vote for candidates who support our public schools.

Registered voters are eligible to vote in the Republican Primary runoff if they:
• did not vote at all on August 6
• voted in the Republican Primary on August 6

Those who voted in the Democratic Primary on August 6 should vote in the Democratic Primary runoff today.

Polls are open today from 7:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. If you vote at the end of the day, be sure to get in line by 7:00 p.m. Those who are in line by 7:00 cannot be turned away; you must be allowed to vote.

Text your contacts. Email your friends. Call your family. Post on social media. Retweet our tweets.

If each of us does a little something to get public school supporters to the polls, we will win the day for our children and our teachers!

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