Your legislative leadership is trying to pull a fast one on you…
Bills that would allow students to cross district lines to attend charter schools or traditional public schools in other districts use a shell game to send your local tax dollars – money that was raised to support your community schools – to schools in other districts, something the constitution prohibits. See their shell game here.
Also very worrisome is HB 47, which would force the state to rate districts using a faulty model – one that allows accountability ratings to be based on never-before-seen tests and is likely to drive down school district ratings. See more here.
Taxpayers should be skeptical of a legislative plan that:
• Under-funds public schools at the state level
• Sends your local taxes to schools in other school districts
• Piles more bureaucracy and regulation on public schools, including a faulty accountability model likely to drive ratings down
• Transfers public tax dollars to private academies that have no accountability at all, something our state constitution prohibits
Ask your legislators to STOP THE ATTACK on public schools:
Vote NO on vouchers (HB 943) and bills that send local school taxes to other school districts (HB 1044 & SB 2161).
Vote NO on more government bureaucracy and ratings based on never-before-seen tests (HB 47).
Share the same message with:
Lt. Governor Reeves Capitol: 601.359.3200
Speaker Gunn Capitol: 601.359.3300
The Fed UP with 50th group will be holding a press conference in support of public schools at 11:30 a.m. this Wednesday (Feb. 24) at the Capitol, and they have asked us to extend an invitation to you to join them. If you can’t be there in person, you can show your support for their efforts on Wednesday by contacting your legislators – social media, text, email, phone.
The Fed-Ups are also circulating a petition calling for full funding of our public schools. You can sign it here.
It’s time to stand up for our children and stop the attack on our public schools!