Our Children Need Your Vote on August 8

Our children need your vote on Tuesday, August 8 – the date of Mississippi’s primary election. Many important races are uncontested in the November general election and will be decided in the primary. If you miss the primary election, you miss your chance to vote in those races.

If you will be out of town on August 8 or otherwise unable to vote, be sure to vote absentee in your Circuit Clerk’s office ahead of time.

Circuit Clerks’ offices will be open for absentee voting this Saturday (July 29) and next Saturday (August 5) from 8:00 a.m. until noon, and they are open Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 

There are many pro-public-school candidates running in both party primaries, and you can read where each candidate stands on important education issues on our  Candidate Q&A website. If there are candidates in your district who haven’t yet responded to our questionnaire, they can submit their responses online here, and we will get them posted.

Our Election Toolkit will make it quick and easy for you to help elect a pro-public-school Legislature. Please share it and our Candidate Q&A site with your friends across the state – and remind them to vote absentee if they’ll be unable to vote on Tuesday, August 8. Let’s make this the best election yet for Mississippi’s public schools. Our kids are counting on us, and together, we’ve got this!

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