
Facts: Mississippi ESA Voucher Program

FACT: Since the special education voucher program began, the Legislature has underfunded special education in public schools by $101.7-million. (Sources: Mississippi Department of Education, The Parents’ Campaign Research and Education Fund) FACT: Special education in public schools is underfunded almost $30-million this school year alone. FACT: 67% of the voucher schools responding to the PEER investigation admitted that public

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PEER Review of Vouchers: Fraud, Lack of Accountability, Unspent Funds

Mississippi’s PEER* Committee has issued a damning report of our state’s ESA voucher program, which uses public funds to pay private school tuition for children with special needs. Findings include: • Since the program’s implementation in 2015, 43% of funds appropriated have not been spent • Of 776 new vouchers assigned prior to December 2018, only 346 were

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The Voucher Hoax in Your Mailbox

Privatizers are sending out mailers intended to trick public school supporters into backing vouchers. Their direct mail pieces claim that Education Savings Accounts (their fancy name for vouchers) “provide families freedom” and “provide teachers flexibility to foster and nurture students.” Both claims are patently false. ESAs are designed to benefit private schools, not students. Here are

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Misinformation at Play in Voucher Debate, Budget Woes Worsen

Lawmakers were given misinformation during the first round of the voucher debate. As legislators were being urged to pass a bill allowing vouchers for private school tuition, they were told repeatedly that the state’s largest school district, DeSoto County, has no program to serve students with dyslexia. DeSoto County students, it was claimed, were desperate

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Curious Turn on MAEP, More Vouchers to Fight

Yesterday, Speaker Gunn told Capitol reporters that the House would hold the MAEP appropriation for FY2018 (next school year) until they take up the rewrite of the MAEP formula. This morning, the House Appropriations Committee passed a K-12 funding bill that funds the Department of Education and special programs like literacy but omits MAEP funding for public

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ALEC – Out-of-state, Corporate Interests at Work in Mississippi

Virtually identical bills for vouchers and other “school choice” initiatives show up regularly in state legislatures across the country. They are the work of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) – a corporate bill mill that is funded by large for-profit corporations that want to make a buck (many, many bucks) off of taxpayer dollars.

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Troublesome Development with HB 33 – Vouchers

House Bill 33 amends the existing special education voucher law to expand the time period in which a student can have had an active Individualized Education Program (IEP) from 18 months to five years to be eligible for a voucher. A troublesome development with this bill occured when Education Chairman John Moore proposed an amendment adding a reverse

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