
Private School Funding Still in HB 1671

The House passed HB 1671 without eliminating the tax credits that benefit private schools, though the increase in private school funding that had been added to the bill was removed. HB 1671 includes the Children’s Promise Act – the law that was supposed to encourage donations to organizations that serve children in foster care but, instead, diverted […]

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Mississippi Constitution: No Public Funds for Private Schools

The Mississippi Constitution is clear: taxpayer dollars may not be appropriated for private schools. The authors of the State Constitution understood that strong public schools are unique in their contribution to the wellbeing of our communities and our state – and that the greatest threat to this vital common good is the siphoning of public funds

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Lawsuit Challenges Public Funds Going to Private Schools

Yesterday, Judge Crystal Wise Martin heard arguments in a lawsuit challenging the Mississippi Legislature’s appropriation of $10-million to private schools through an infrastructure grant program. A ruling in the lawsuit, brought by Parents for Public Schools, can be expected “sooner rather than later,” according to Judge Martin.  The Mississippi Constitution prohibits any appropriation of public funds

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Two Important Things

We’ve got two very important pieces of information to share on which you might want to take action. School board seats in 80 school districts will be on the ballot this fall. School boards play an extremely important role in determining the quality of education provided our children, so please pay close attention to these elections.

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Vouchers Hidden in Conference Report – Need Calls!

This morning, we have discovered vouchers hidden in a conference report for an unrelated bill. Worse, the changes in statute are NOT underlined, something that is required to alert legislators to changes in law that are being proposed. HB 1685, a pregnancy resources bill, includes a $2-million increase in an already large tax credit/voucher program, the true

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Lots of News Today

Progress! This afternoon, Senate Education Chairman Dennis DeBar announced a conference committee meeting on HB 530, the teacher pay raise bill, in Room 216 of the Capitol at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow. That is good news! You can watch the livestream here.  In other sort-of-good news, you came very, very close to killing HB 1687, the voucher bill

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Today, the House Education Committee passed two dangerous bills. We need your help to defeat them. HB 795 is a voucher bill that uses state funds for non-public school students to attend a virtual school with no accountability. This is what the Legislature banned in 2020 when tightening up the ESA voucher statute in response to numerous abuses

VOUCHER ALERT – Need Calls! Read More »

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