
Judge Rules on School Funding Suit, Primary Election in Two Weeks

Last week, Judge Singletary ruled against former Governor Musgrove and the 21 school districts that sued the state for the amount their schools have been underfunded since 2008. In his decision, Judge Singletary agreed that schools should be fully funded but also said that current state law allows the Legislature to skirt that responsibility. So does

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Heavy-handed Political Move Pits School Funding Opponents Against Citizens

You have probably heard by now that House Appropriations Chairman Herb Frierson summoned state agency heads to the Capitol yesterday in what was clearly a scare tactic designed to gin up opposition to Initiative 42, the citizen-proposed constitutional amendment that would make an adequately funded public education a fundamental right of Mississippi children (see details

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Your District’s Funding Shortage for 2015-2016, Total Shortfall Since FY 2009

The Mississippi Department of Education has released the state funding allocations for each school district. The amount appropriated by the Legislature is far less than what is required by state law in the Mississippi Adequate Education Program (MAEP). Click here to see how much your schools are shortchanged this year and how much they have been under-funded since fiscal year

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What your district stands to lose in funding

How much will your district be shortchanged if the MAEP isn’t fully funded? A lot. Click here to see an estimate of what your district stands to gain if the MAEP is fully funded – and what it stands to lose if it isn’t. The current appropriations bill under-funds the Mississippi Adequate Education Program (MAEP) by $201-million. HB 1536 provides an increase

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Facts on Florida’s Reading Initiative

Beginning in 2001, Florida took steps to improve reading proficiency among its youngest schoolchildren. In 2012, To learn more about the initiative, The Parents’ Campaign participated in two conference calls with the staff of Florida’s Foundation for Excellence in Education, a lobbying group pushing other states to adopt Florida’s Literacy-Based Promotion Act, among other school reform

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Legislative Leadership Fabricating Reasons Not to Fund Schools

The same politicians who pledged to fully fund the Mississippi Adequate Education Formula (MAEP) as soon as fiscally possible when they campaigned in 2011 are now finding any excuse they can to avoid adequately funding our children’s education – including making false accusations about our public schools. Click here to see just a few of the bogus claims they

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Bryant Budget Fails Children

Governor Bryant’s budget recommendation for the coming legislative session provides Mississipians the perfect reason to vote for the Better Schools, Better Jobs ballot initiative next November. Announced Monday, Bryant’s budget proposal underfunds the Mississippi Adequate Education Program (MAEP) by roughly $260-million, despite state revenue being at its highest level in history. When state coffers are overflowing and state leaders refuse to put

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