josh taylor

Tomorrow is a Deadline Day for Voucher Bills

Tomorrow is the deadline for the House and Senate to act on general bills that originated in the other chamber. (The deadline for the funding bills comes later.) Numerous members have called, emailed, and texted from your spring break vacations to check on the status of the voucher, funding, and pay-raise bills. No action has been taken on […]

Tomorrow is a Deadline Day for Voucher Bills Read More »

Special Needs Advocacy Organization Opposes SB 2325 and HB 765

Families as Allies, an organization that advocates for families whose children have special needs, has announced strong opposition to the special needs voucher bills, SB 2325 and HB 765.  The concerns presented by Families as Allies (see complete list here) include: the loss of IDEA protection by any children whose parents accept vouchers and agree to withdraw their

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Privatization Agenda: Starving Public Schools, Pushing Private School Vouchers

Privatizing and “profitizing” public education? That is exactly what the voucher bills debated in the 2014 Legislative Session were intended to do – and they had “disingenuous” and “unintended consequences” written all over them. House Bill 765, defeated by the House of Representatives on the last day of the session, was very broad, allowing private

Privatization Agenda: Starving Public Schools, Pushing Private School Vouchers Read More »

The Children First Act of 2009 – Senate Version

The following is a Mississippi Department of Education summary of the Senate version of The Children First Act – SB 2628 Section 2 : Authorizes the State Board of Education to define underperforming schools and districts, using such factors as student assessment data, graduation rate, dropout rate and completion rate. Requires a school district to publish

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Legislators Vote Against Funding for SPED Accommodations and for Vouchers

The current iteration of the education funding bill underfunds public schools by $265-million. Now legislators are pushing legislation that gives $6,000 vouchers to pay tuition at private schools or for school supplies, computers, and myriad other expenses for parents of children with special needs who agree not to enroll their children in public schools. Many of the legislators who voted against adequate

Legislators Vote Against Funding for SPED Accommodations and for Vouchers Read More »

House Fails to Amend HB 1476

This afternoon, an attempt was made in the House of Representatives to increase the MAEP appropriation in  HB 1476, the K-12 funding bill. That effort failed when 66 House members voted instead to table the motion to reconsider the bill. A “yes” vote on this motion was a vote to send the bill to the Senate without increasing MAEP funding. You can see that vote here. Please join

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Another Chance to Amend K-12 Funding Bill, Increase MAEP

We will have another chance to amend HB 1476, the K-12 funding bill, to increase the funding for the Mississippi  Adequate Education Program (MAEP).Phone calls to legislators from Mississippi parents and educators about the education funding bill are having an effect – we need to keep it up!There is reason to believe that an amendment to increase MAEP funding will

Another Chance to Amend K-12 Funding Bill, Increase MAEP Read More »

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