Accountability Model Change Proposed, Your Input Sought

A change is being proposed to the Statewide Accountability Model, and the public is asked to provide feedback before the final change is adopted. The deadline to submit your comments is 5:00 p.m. next Thursday, January 14. 

The proposed change accommodates the addition of the WorkKeys career-readiness indicator to the College- and Career-Readiness (CCR) component of the model. Currently, the CCR component includes only the ACT assessment, a college prep indicator, as a measure of CCR success.

While The Parents’ Campaign strongly supports the addition of WorkKeys to the CCR component, we oppose the Mississippi Department of Education’s (MDE’s) modification of the Accountability Task Force recommendation for measuring student success on the WorkKeys assessment. The Task Force recommended using the national industry standard Silver level score on the WorkKeys assessment as a stand-alone benchmark of success, just as the ACT national standard is being used as a stand-alone benchmark of success for college prep students. MDE has recommended that career track students be required to meet both the national industry standard Silver level score and an additional industry certification or career pathway in order to be counted as successful in the accountability model. Students on a college prep track are not required to have an additional certification, only the ACT benchmark score. The Parents’ Campaign supports the use of a stand-alone Silver level benchmark on WorkKeys as the indicator of student career-readiness for purposes of the Statewide Accountability Model.

See The Parents’ Campaign’s comments on the proposed change. 

Email your comments to:  Mr. Alan Burrow at
Deadline:  5:00 p.m. Thursday, January 14

Your comments will be presented to State Board of Education members prior to their vote on this issue. 

Please take this opportunity to provide your input by on this important topic. Together, we’ve got this!

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