The Senate Education Committee has amended a dyslexia bill to insert voucher language similar to what you helped kill on the House side.
The Senate version of HB 1046 would potentially allow thousands of students to take MAEP dollars to private schools – including schools in any other state, which could divert millions of dollars away from public schools and into private academies. The bill must now pass the Senate Appropriations Committee, which meets Tuesday, before getting to the Senate floor for a vote.
Please ask committee members and your own senator to vote NO on HB 1046.
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In a nutshell, the new version of HB 1046:
- Uses public tax dollars to pay tuition at any private school that hires a dyslexia therapist with MS certification.
- Sends MS tax dollars to private schools in any state, as long as the parent states in writing that his/her child cannot obtain appropriate services within 30 miles of home.
- Appears to have no limit on the number of vouchers that can be awarded, potentially costing the state untold millions of dollars.
- Does not hold voucher schools accountable to Mississippi taxpayers. Voucher schools can be audited by the State Auditor OR any private firm of their choosing. There is no requirement that schools provide evidence to taxpayers of appropriate academic outcomes or services rendered.
This is a very dangerous bill that could have devastating effects on public school funding. Please call your senator and Appropriations Committee members right away, and ask your family and friends to call, too. Our children are more than worth it, and together, we’ve got this!