Two Important Things

Public schools could see full funding in the near future! But only if you demand it when you cast your vote on November 5.

Remember our fight to defeat the revamp of the Mississippi Adequate Education Program (MAEP)? The one that would have DECREASED the school funding called for in state law by almost $200-million per year? That destructive plan was pushed by Lt. Governor Tate Reeves and House Speaker Philip Gunn. Now Reeves is back at it, alleging, incorrectly, that the MAEP has “incentivized more and more spending on administration and not as much spending in the classroom.” Reeves’ statement is patently false and is a reminder of his continuing opposition to the MAEP.

In fact, a recent study by The Parents’ Campaign Research and Education Fund found that in the 2017-18 school year, the total spent on teacher salaries statewide was $2.196-billion, while the total MAEP appropriation statewide was $2.206-billion. That means that 99.5% of the total statewide MAEP appropriation was needed to cover the cost of teacher salaries (no principals, administrators, or central office staff are included in the salary figure).

You can see here what candidates for Governor have to say about their positions on school funding and other important education issues.

This election could not be more critical for our public schools, and we need your help to elect pro-public education candidates! See the education positions of candidates in legislative and statewide races here.

In non-election news, The Parents’ Campaign is expanding our staff. We are seeking a professional with experience in graphic design, branding, and social media outreach to join our team as a Digial Media Coordinator. Qualified persons can get details of the position and apply at

We’ve got less than six weeks to go before the General Election. Please help us spread the word: every educator and public school supporter should learn where the candidates stand on public education, and go to the polls en masse to elect candidates who support our public schools. Together, we’ve got this!

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