As we look toward the 2022 Legislative Session, there is reason to be hopeful. And there is reason to be vigilant!
The Senate is pushing for a significant teacher pay raise, but the House tax shift plan threatens to derail it.
With your help, we can win the day for Mississippi teachers and children.
That takes resources.
Your gift of $10, $25, $100, or more can ensure that we have a well-informed, well-organized network of Mississippi public school parents and teachers and that their voices reach decision-makers at the Capitol.
Tomorrow is Giving Tuesday. I hope that you will trust us with your monetary support. You can make your donation online now, or mail your check to:
The Parents’ Campaign
222 North President Street, Suite 102
Jackson, MS 39201
I promise to be a good steward of your donation.
Additionally, I hope that you will consider supporting our public school teachers with a gift toward their classrooms. Tomorrow, Donors Choose will provide a 50% match for all donations to teachers’ projects, increasing the impact of your gift! You can find Mississippi teachers’ projects here.
For the past 15 years, our work together has been a shining light, a beacon of hope, and a promise of a brighter future for Mississippi children, teachers, and public schools. Your support makes all the difference. What a blessing!
With a grateful heart,
Nancy Loome
Executive Director
The Parents’ Campaign