Wow! The Difference You Made.

A message from our executive director…

Late last summer, I asked for your help. As always, you came through!

We were facing the loss of much of our funding with the closing of our terrific partner, The Barksdale Reading Institute. For the first time, we were relying on our supporters to sustain our vitally important work to protect and strengthen public schools.

Because of you – and some serious belt-tightening – we kept our doors open and kept going strong, making sure that you were fully in the loop on important issues debated in this year’s legislative session, like a new school funding law and attempts to divert more of your tax dollars to private schools.

Because one year of funding is – well – just one year of funding, we’re relying on you to keep us going into the future. Will you please make a donation in whatever amount fits your budget so that we can continue our work?

The very best way to help is to become a sustaining donor, to make a recurring monthly donation in an amount that is right for you, but any contribution is a great help. Special thanks to those of you already supporting us as sustaining donors (your donations will continue with no further action required). Recurring monthly donations allow us to focus on the work, secure in the knowledge that you have our backs.

If you donate today, you’ll double your impact! A generous supporter has offered to match all contributions, one-time and sustaining, up to $30,000.

If you prefer not to contribute online, you still can take advantage of the match by mailing a check payable to The Parents’ Campaign to 222 North President, Suite 102, Jackson, MS 39201.

Together, we’ve helped to accomplish some pretty great things this year:

  • full funding of public schools – an increase of $239-million invested in public school children and teachers statewide
  • addressing the teacher shortage by allowing retirees to teach full-time and draw a salary while also receiving PERS benefits
  • expansion of the Winter-Reed Teacher Loan Repayment Program to benefit more teachers
  • increased funding for pre-k
  • tightening up the ESA voucher statute to provide some accountability for taxpayers
  • defeating efforts to divert additional state revenue to private schools

How much of that do you think would have happened had there been no Parents’ Campaign to be your eyes and ears at the Capitol?

If you value our public schools and the work we do to keep them strong, please donate whatever you can so that our work can continue. (And now is the time to take advantage of that match!) Every donation helps, no matter the amount. 

Because as you prove time and again: together, we’ve got this!


Nancy Loome, Executive Director
The Parents’ Campaign

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