The House and Senate have made significant progress on education bills.
This morning, the House passed the ESA Voucher bill, SB 2594, with no amendments that expand the program or weaken accountability. Thank you for your work on that! The bill has been held on a motion to reconsider, which means that it must be dealt with one more time on the House floor before moving on to the governor for his signature.
The House also added a reverse repealer to SB 2286, which expands the Early Learning Collaborative pre-k program, ensuring that this bill will go to conference.
The Senate has concurred with the changes the House made to SB 2511, the bill that alters requirements for entry into college and university teacher education programs. That bill is headed to Governor Reeves.
And the Senate amended HB 1700, the pre-k through grade 12 appropriations bill, replacing the House version with Senate placeholder language. Appropriations Chair Briggs Hopson announced that the Joint Legislative Budget Committee will meet on Monday to decide on a bottom-line statewide budget number for Fiscal Year 2021. Once that is decided, individual agency appropriations bills will be revised and presented to both chambers for debate.
You can find more information about these and other bills on our web site’s bill tracker.