Step One
Get TPC sign-up forms out in your schools. We will be glad to send you everything you need to get sign-up forms home to parents in your school district. Call or email Cindy White at 601-961-4551 or, and she will get you started. Forward TPC emails to friends and family who are not currently members and encourage them to join!
Step Two
Designate for each school a Legislative and Policy Liaison. Make sure each school in your district designates a parent to serve as a Legislative andPolicy Liaison for your PTA/PTO. This person will report to the PTA/PTO about education legislation and policy that will affect your school. Informed, engaged parents can transform good schools into great schools!
The Parents’ Campaign will provide regular email updates about legislation that affects your schools, and the Liaison can use these to make informative reports to your PTA or PTO. This would be great information to include in a school newsletter so that all parents can stay informed about statewide education issues and their impact on your local schools.
Local Policy
The Liaison should attend local school board meetings and report, through the PTA/PTO or a newsletter, about local school district policy changes or initiatives.
Step Three
Contact your Local Legislators. Personally visityour legislators(the most effective tool). Call your legislatorsevery time we ask you to. We will probably ask you to call more than once. There will likely be two or three critical moments when it will be important to remind legislators that we are paying attention. Our kids will be counting on you every time. Write notes to your legislators. They needn’t be long.