Tonight will be teachers’ last chance to participate in the listening sessions being hosted by Senate Education Chairman Dennis DeBar. Chairman DeBar is asking educators to share their stories about how low teacher pay affects their lives and public education in Mississippi and any ideas they have about specific ways the compensation system can be improved. Those who were unable to attend earlier sessions in their own congressional districts are encouraged to join tonight’s meeting in person or virtually.
TONIGHT, Thursday, December 9 at 5:30 p.m.
Madison Central High School Auditorium
1417 Highland Colony Parkway, Madison
Want to participate virtually? Email for login details.
In previous sessions, Chairman DeBar has indicated that teachers’ stories will be helpful to him as he promotes a teacher pay raise bill in the legislative session. We are grateful to the chairman for seeking out educators’ input as he and his team work to make Mississippi’s teacher pay competitive in the Southeast.
Please help us spread the word. We hope to see you there, because together, we’ve got this!