RED ALERT: Vouchers Sneaked into Bond Bill

A conferee on the Legislature’s giant bond bill (1,000+ pages) sneaked in a provision for private school vouchers. It’s not been voted on by the House or Senate yet, so please call your legislators immediately!

Ask your representative and senator to REMOVE THE VOUCHER PROVISION from the bond bill or recommit the bill.

Capitol switchboard: 601.359.3770

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The vouchers in the SB 2971 conference report are in the form of tax credit scholarships, specifically for the Midsouth Association of Independent Schools. The conference report also provides a new tax credit to individuals for up to 50% of their ad valorem taxes, a direct slam against every public school district in Mississippi.

Please call your legislators now about removing the voucher provision that was sneaked into the bond bill, and ask your friends and family to call, too. Together, we’ve got this!

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