Need More Calls! Children’s Promise Act Defeated, Then Revived

Today, the Mississippi Senate defeated HB 1902, the Children’s Promise Act legislation so many of you called your senators about last night and this morning. See that vote. However, the bill was held on a motion to reconsider, which means it is likely there will be another vote on it, as early as tomorrow.

Please reach back out, thank those senators who voted no, and urge your senator to OPPOSE sending public money to private schools via the Children’s Promise Act or any other vehicle.

Ask your senator to
VOTE NO on reconsideration of HB 1902 (Children’s Promise Act)

Find contact information for legislators

Capitol Switchboard: 601.359.3770
(Open Mon. noon-5:00, Tues.-Thurs. 8:00-5:00, Fri. 8:00-noon)

Lt. Gov. Hosemann: 601.359.3200

Prior to the vote on the bill, Sen. David Blount offered an amendment that would have required private schools benefiting from these tax dollars to be subject to the same accountability standards and audits as are Mississippi public schools. That amendment failed 18 to 25. Senate Education Chair Dennis DeBar then offered an amendment requiring annual PEER reviews to ensure that private schools receiving Children’s Promise Act funds are spending them to benefit the qualifying children. That amendment passed on a voice vote. The amended bill then was defeated 23 to 26.

Additionally, House Ways and Means Chair Trey Lamar inserted the Children’s Promise Act in three more unrelated bills today. Senate bills 3126, 3165, and 3167 were amended to include the language that diverts public funds to private schools by way of tax credits for donations.

You can see all the bills we are tracking and your legislators’ votes on our bill tracker

Mississippians have made it clear that they do not want their tax dollars going to private schools. Please make those calls right away – ask others to call as well – and ask your senator to stand up for our public schools with a NO vote on HB 1902. Together, we’ve got this!

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