Your county circuit clerk can tell you whether or not your zone has a school board candidate on the ballot in the upcoming election. Click here to find contact information for your circuit clerk’s office.
The Parents’ Campaign urges parents and citizens to support their local schools and school boards. One of the best ways parents can stay abreast of issues facing their schools is to attend regularly their school board meetings. Parents should contact the local school district office to inquire about meeting times and locations.
Speaking at School Board Meetings
Any parent wishing to speak at a school board meeting should contact the district office in advance of the meeting and ask to be placed on the agenda. Generally speaking, most school boards follow strictly the board agenda and do not allow comments by those not scheduled to speak. Comments should be to the point and relatively brief. Ask your district office about specific guidelines or regulations your district may have that address public comments at board meetings.
Click on the Following Links For Additional
Information About School Boards:
Make-up of Local School Boards
Primary Duties and Responsibilities of School Board Members
Running for Your School Board
Districts by School Board Category
How School Board Vacancies Are Filled