Letters to The Editor

Click here to email your letter to newspapers that serve your school district.

A letter to the editor should be short and to the point. It should begin “Dear Editor” and should contain 150 to 200 words.

Pick one issue to write about – one simple issue. If you have more than one point you want to make, pick one per letter. Consider writing more than one letter and submitting them a few weeks apart; or find a friend or two and ask them to write letters that address your other points. If you are endorsing a candidate, name the candidate and explain why you believe he or she will be a strong supporter of public schools.

Be clear about what you want to have happen. For example, clearly state that you believe our legislature should make education a priority and support adequate funding for Mississippi schools. Follow that up with a personal example of how budget cuts are affecting your child and/or the quality of education in your school district.

Include your name, city and phone number in the signature line at the bottom of the letter. Most newspapers will not print a letter to the editor without this information.

Additional information to include

School Needs and Losses

Ask your superintendent about the effects of under-funding on your school district. Use those as examples in your letter.

Legislator’s Voting History

Click here to view your Legislator’s voting history and thank him or her for supporting initiatives that are important to you if appropriate. If your legislator has voted in favor of adequate funding for schools, consider including something like, “I am grateful that Senator _________ has consistently voted to fully fund the MAEP in past years, and I appreciate his support of current efforts to protect funding for our schools.” If your legislator has voted to restore cuts to education, thank him or her for that.

If your legislator has not voted in the best interests of public schools, you might say, “I am disappointed that Rep. ________ has voted consistently against the interests of our schools and schoolchildren. Our community deserves to be represented by legislators who support providing the resources that are necessary for successful schools. It is important that we elect officials who will vote to keep our schools strong. I am asking Rep. _____ to support SB0000 so that our children will continue to have access to good schools with adequate resources.”

Where to send your letter

Send your letter to your local newspaper and to The Clarion-Ledger.

View a list of newspapers by school district.

View a list of daily newspapers in Mississippi.

View a list of weekly newspapers in Mississippi.

If you need assistance with your letter to the editor, please feel free to call The Parents’ Campaign at 601-961-4551 or email info@msparentscampaign.org.

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