Getting Close – Keep Calling!

Legislators have less than a week to make good on their promise to our children. For years, they have told us they would fully fund our public schools if the money were available to do so. That time has come!

The Legislature has an extra $1-billion in recurring revenue to spend this legislative session – that’s four times what is needed to fully fund the MAEP.

This year we have the best chance for fully funded schools that we’ve had in a very long time. It’s time to dig deep, pull out all the stops, and do whatever it takes to drive this home. Legislators need to hear from you again and again.

Please call your legislators EVERY DAY and ask them:


Find contact information for legislators who represent your school district

Capitol Switchboard: 601.359.3770

Speaker Philip Gunn: 601.359.3300

House Appropriations Chair John Read: 601.359.3340

Lt. Gov. Delbert Hosemann: 601.359.3200

Senate Appropriations Chair Briggs Hopson: 601.359.3250

In December, the Legislative Budget Committee adopted a revenue estimate of $7.5-billion. That sets the maximum state budget amount for this session at $1-billion more than was spent last year. Any of those funds that are not budgeted will be added to the $4-billion that already has been stashed in state reserves. Folks, these reserves are our tax dollars that we have been sending to the state so that we can have strong public schools, safe roads and bridges, and all the other state services that improve our quality of life.

It is unconscionable for legislators to continue to stuff our tax dollars into savings accounts while our schools are underfunded.

The job of our legislators is to do all in their power to ensure that the laws they pass are in the best interests of their constituents – including the appropriation bill that determines funding for our public schools. 

Please call your legislators every day and ask, “Have you fully funded our public schools yet?” 

Ask everyone you know to call today and every day until our legislators make good on their promise to our children and teachers. Your voice matters, and the call takes less than a minute. Together, we’ve got this!

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