Deadline Tomorrow: Comments on Accountability Changes

Tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. is the deadline to submit your feedback on the most recent changes proposed for the Mississippi Statewide Accountability System. See the public comments submitted by The Parents’ Campaign here.

The most significant changes are those related to:
• Definition of a School At-Risk and in need of assistance
• Requiring the use of established percentiles when cut-points are reset
• Accountability ratings for attendance centers and other schools with a grade configuration that includes both grade 12 and grades below 9
• Full Academic Year (FAY) for students who are concurrently enrolled in more than one school district
• Acceleration component
• English learners (EL) component
• Inclusion of alternate diploma students in the calculation of graduation rate
• Definitions and titles associated with Focus, Priority, and Reward schools

You can find the specific changes noted in red here.

Your comments may be submitted in writing as follows:
(must be received by 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, April 30)

Email comments to:

Mail comments to:
Mr. Alan Burrow
Office of District and School Performance
P.O. Box 771
Jackson, MS 39205-0771

Hand-deliver comments to:
Office of District and School Performance
359 N. West Street
Jackson, MS

Comments will be presented to the Mississippi Board of Education at its meeting on May 9, at which time the board will vote on whether or not to adopt the changes. Your voice matters; thank you for weighing in on this important issue!

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