TODAY, public education supporters across Mississippi will lift our voices to send the message that we want our public schools fully funded.
Your call is critical. Let’s get hundreds of phone calls to the Capitol in support of full funding. Please ask at least five of your friends to join our CALL THE CAPITOL DAY.
Call your representative and Speaker Pro Tempore Jason White with this message:
1. FULLY FUND public schools
2. Keep public funds in PUBLIC schools
Capitol Switchboard: 601.359.3770 (open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
Find contact information for House members who represent your school district
Speaker Pro Tem White: 601.359.3304
With an extra $1-billion in recurring state revenue available, now is the time for Mississippi to make good on her promise to the teachers and students who have been shortchanged for years.
The Senate has voted unanimously to fully fund an adjusted MAEP formula. It is now up to the Mississippi House of Representatives. They could present a new full funding plan, move forward with the Senate plan, or fully fund the existing MAEP. Representatives need to know that Mississippians want full funding for their children’s public schools.
Many legislators ran on a pledge to fully fund public schools if and when the state budget would allow it. With state coffers overflowing – and with the additional $1-billion expected to continue in successive years – that time has come! Ask your friends, family, and other public education supporters to make those calls today, because together, we’ve got this!