josh taylor

Why The Parents’ Campaign Supports HB 369, the House Charter School Bill

I know that many of you are very skeptical of charter schools, and I share some of that skepticism. I also know that thousands of Mississippi children have been trapped for years in chronically underperforming schools. We have to do something for these children, and we need to do something now. Many believe that it

Why The Parents’ Campaign Supports HB 369, the House Charter School Bill Read More »

Why The Parents’ Campaign Supports HB 369, the House Charter School Bill…

I know that many of you are very skeptical of charter schools, and I share some of that skepticism. I also know that thousands of Mississippi children have been trapped for years in chronically underperforming schools. We have to do something for these children, and we need to do something now. Many believe that it

Why The Parents’ Campaign Supports HB 369, the House Charter School Bill… Read More »

Update on the conference reports that have been filed for several important bills

Literacy – SB 2347. This conference report misses the boat entirely. It does not require that children in K-3rd be screened for reading deficiencies; rather it makes the screening optional (line 55: “may”). Therefore, many children with reading deficiencies will never be identified before they reach third grade. Reading coaches, the most effective means of improving reading

Update on the conference reports that have been filed for several important bills Read More »

House Reconsiders Motion to Invite Conference on HB 890, MAEP Funding in Jeopardy

Today, the House reconsidered the motion to invite conference on HB 890 and passed it on a 61-56 vote. The bill will now go to conference. House Education Chairman John Moore assured members of that chamber that the conference report would not include charter school language. HB 890, as it passed the Senate, includes: ·         Charter school language that: o   Allows charters in C,

House Reconsiders Motion to Invite Conference on HB 890, MAEP Funding in Jeopardy Read More »

Revenue continues to rise while appropriations remain woefully inadequate

FY 2013 revenue to the General Fund from all sources through February 2013 is $132,147,164 above the estimate used by the legislature in creating the FY 2013 state budget. A year over year comparison of revenue collections shows that FY 2013 revenue year-to-date is $105.8-million (3.8%) above the same period in FY 2012. Recent months have shown significant increases

Revenue continues to rise while appropriations remain woefully inadequate Read More »

Bills That Provide Tax Exemptions and Reduce State Revenue

(The following is for informational purposes only. The Parents’ Campaign has no position on these bills.) These bills are alive as of this posting:HB 590 – Sales tax revenue collected from certain business activities within a revitalization zone is distributed to the municipality if the municipality received a loan under this act.Loss to the General

Bills That Provide Tax Exemptions and Reduce State Revenue Read More »

Summary of Legislative Action on The Quality Education Act of 2008 Initiatives

Full Funding of the Mississippi Adequate Education Program (MAEP) HB 513, signed by the governor, provides full funding of the MAEP.This is the first time in MAEP’s history that it has been fully funded in consecutive years.   Restoration of Diverted Funds Teacher Supply Fund The legislature did not fully restore this funding.HB 513, signed by

Summary of Legislative Action on The Quality Education Act of 2008 Initiatives Read More »

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