josh taylor


What a day! Hundreds of Mississippi parents, students, and educators crowded into the Capitol today to rally in support of public schools. Congratulations to rally organizers – and thank you – for a fantastic event! And kudos to all those who took time from your spring break vacation to travel to Jackson to stand up for […]

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See You Tomorrow

Tomorrow is RALLY DAY! We hope you will come. This rally is a chance to make it crystal clear to our Legislature that public education is our #1 priority and that the way it is funded can make or break our children’s future. Get more information here. Drivers, please drop off passengers on the south side of the Capitol (Mississippi

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Mississippians, frustrated with the secrecy surrounding the MAEP rewrite, are organizing an education funding rally at the Capitol: “Seat at the Table” Community Rally in Support of Public Education Funding Thursday, March 16, 2017 10:30 a.m.  Mississippi Capitol, 2nd Floor Rotunda, Jackson, MS (Free parking available at the State Fairgrounds. Drivers drop off passengers at the


School Funding Rally March 16

Reserve a Seat on a Charter Bus to Jackson A rally for public school funding is being held at the Capitol in Jackson next Thursday, March 16. Great news – a very generous public school supporter has offered to charter a bus or van to transport folks from the Tupelo-Lee County area to the Capitol

School Funding Rally March 16 Read More »

RED ALERT: Voucher Bill Headed to Senate Floor – Please Call!

HB 1046 has passed the Senate Appropriations Committee and is headed to the floor. A strike-all amendment has turned the bill into a dangerous voucher bill that threatens local school district funding and sends Mississippi tax dollars out of state to unaccountable private schools. See the amended version here. The biggest problem? This bill creates private school vouchers, which Cambridge Dictionary defines as scholarships

RED ALERT: Voucher Bill Headed to Senate Floor – Please Call! Read More »

RED ALERT: Calls Needed Immediately!

A Senate strike-all amendment could make HB 1046 the most alarming bill we’ve seen this year. Here’s why: • Drains school budgets – takes MAEP money away from your school’s already under-funded allocation and sends it to private academies.  • State budget buster – allows unlimited vouchers for private school tuition; if 10% of Mississippi students requested a voucher, the cost to

RED ALERT: Calls Needed Immediately! Read More »

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