josh taylor

Will MAEP funds be cut in retaliation for defeat of school funding rewrite?

In February, the House of Representatives passed its version of the K-12 appropriation bill, which provided an increase of $8.2-million over current-year funding for the Mississippi Adequate Education Program (MAEP). Two weeks later, Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves implied that the appropriation for public schools likely would be reduced, seemingly in retaliation for the defeat of HB 957,

Will MAEP funds be cut in retaliation for defeat of school funding rewrite? Read More »

Threats, Coercion, and the School Funding Rewrite

Legislators in both parties are speculating that the leadership will hold the appropriations, transportation, and bond bills in conference and use them as leverage to flip enough votes to pass HB 957, threatening to kill important projects in districts of legislators who don’t agree to support this dreadful bill and offering sweetheart deals to those

Threats, Coercion, and the School Funding Rewrite Read More »

Senate Version of HB 957 Indicates Additional Losses

The Senate version of HB 957 indicates that the intent of the Legislature is to withhold nearly $100-million in Career and Technical Education (CTE) funding that has historically been appropriated outside of the MAEP formula. This loss will be in addition to the dramatic loss of $292-million, also caused by HB 957, which we reported earlier. Though the Senate version of HB 957

Senate Version of HB 957 Indicates Additional Losses Read More »

Senate Leadership Evades Questions on School Funding Plan

In an afternoon meeting with EdBuild and senators, Senate Education Chairman Gray Tollison was evasive about a Senate version of HB 957, declining to answer senators’ questions about whether a Senate plan exists or what it might entail. It appears that the Senate leadership fears public scrutiny of their school funding proposal, even the scrutiny

Senate Leadership Evades Questions on School Funding Plan Read More »

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