Almost There

We’re almost there! Saturday is the deadline for conference reports on appropriations and revenue bills to be filed, including the school funding bill and those that now include Children’s Promise Act tax-credit voucher language (HB 1894, SB 3126, SB 3165, SB 3167). We are watching those closely. In the meantime, please continue to ask your legislators to ensure that our public schools are fully funded and that there is no increase in the public funding flowing to private schools by way of Children’s Promise Act tax credits.

 Ask your legislators to

Fully fund the Mississippi Student Funding Formula
OPPOSE any increase in Children’s Promise Act private school tax credits in HB 1894, SB 3126, SB 3165, SB 3167, or any other conference report

Find contact information for legislators who represent your school district

Capitol Switchboard: 601.359.3770
(Open Mon. noon-5:00, Tues.-Thurs. 8:00-5:00, Fri. 8:00-noon)

Lt. Gov. Hosemann: 601.359.3200
Speaker White: 601.359.3300

If you want to see how your legislators voted on the bills we’ve been following – as well as the current status of those bills – you can find that information on our bill tracker.

We are very close to the end of this legislative session, and the work you’ve done alongside your legislators to support our public schools is paying off – despite an overwhelming influx of money and misleading information from the voucher lobby. We can’t afford to take our eyes off the ball now. Let’s get this one in the books as a win for our children and teachers. Please make those calls to your legislators and let them know we have their backs as they push for legislation that supports strong public schools. Together, we’ve got this!

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