See What School Board Candidates Say About Public Schools

Next month, voters will elect school board members in more than 50 school districts, almost half of which have contested elections. We need your help to spread the word about where the candidates stand on important public education issues!

Candidates for school boards were sent our School Board Candidate Q&A questionnaire, asking their positions on important education issues. You can see their answers here, and you can use your own social media pages to share the links to the responses.

Not every candidate has participated. When candidates don’t respond to our questionnaire, often it is just an oversight. If candidates in your district haven’t responded, ask them to do so now. Send them the link to the questionnaire, and encourage them to respond right away. We will get their answers posted as soon as we receive them.

Check out where school board candidates stand on public education, share the info with your neighbors, and be sure to vote on November 5!

If you don’t live in one of these districts, please share this information with public education voters in other communities.

We won’t tell you which candidates to vote for (The Parents’ Campaign does not endorse candidates – that’s up to you to decide). But we will tell you what candidates have to say about their support for public schools.

Just a few minutes of your time can make a big difference for our children and our public schools. Please get involved today. Together, we’ve got this!

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