In the next few months, you will make choices that will have a lasting impact on Mississippi’s public schools. Our children need your votes for pro-public school candidates in the August 8 Primary Election and November 7 General Election.
From registering to vote to learning which candidates share your values, this Election Toolkit provides a quick and easy how-to for electing state leaders who prioritize public education. I know we can do it…we’ve done it before!
Four years ago, Mississippians improved the landscape of our State Legislature by electing a corps of pro-public school candidates. That election paid significant dividends for public school children and teachers:
- Teacher pay raises averaging more than $6,100 per teacher
- $202-million increase in school district funding, over and above teacher pay raises
- Quadrupled state funding for high quality pre-k
- A teacher loan repayment program
- An Educational Facilities Revolving Loan Fund
- Tightening up of the ESA voucher program to reduce fraud
- The defeat of a barrage of harmful legislation
Now we have an opportunity to create an even more education-friendly Legislature in the 2023 Statewide Election, by re-electing lawmakers who have been supportive of public schools and replacing those who haven’t.
Please check out our Election Toolkit – simple steps that make it easy to identify and support pro-public school candidates. The toolkit features links and information on how to check your voter registration, vote absentee, help friends get registered, and more.
We’ve sent candidates for the Legislature and statewide offices our Candidate Q&A survey asking their positions on important education issues. We’ll soon share their comments about our public schools, so watch for that update.
We’d love to hear from you about how you want to get involved! Call our office (601.961.4551) or email
What you have accomplished over the years for our children and teachers is nothing short of amazing. Thank you, thank you, thank you for always coming to their rescue. Let’s do it again in Election 2023!
Nancy Loome
The Parents’ Campaign Research & Education Fund