School Accountability
Myth vs. Reality: Common Core State Standards
Misleading information about the Common Core State Standards has been circulated in Mississippi over the last year. Some of it is based on talking points
Dropout Prevention Statistics and Resources
State dropout data on Class of 2010, reported by MDE May 4, 2011: Mississippi’s dropout rate is 17% for the four-year cohort that began with
Good News and Bad News for Mississippi in Quality Counts Report Card
Education Week has released its Quality Counts “report card” on the nation’s public schools. The good news is that our Standards and Accountability once again received outstanding grades
MSBA Names Lighthouse School Leaders
The Mississippi School Boards Association has announced that 20 Mississippi school districts have been recognized as 2010 Lighthouse School Leaders. This recognition is awarded in
Mississippi Showing Significant Gains in Student Achievement
The Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) issued a report today showing that Mississippi has made significant gains in student achievement on national measures in the past couple of
Communities Support Schools at Test Time
Communities are rallying around their schools in impressive ways to ensure that schools have what they need to get the job done. Each year, state testing