Record-Setting Student Achievement, K-3 Literacy Meetings
Mississippi’s public school students and teachers have reached record-setting levels of achievement – again!State student…
Record-Setting Student Achievement, K-3 Literacy Meetings
Mississippi’s public school students and teachers have reached record-setting levels of achievement – again!State student…
Do school vouchers & tax credits deliver the promised choice? They don’t.
Voucher pushers want you to believe that diverting state funds to private schools will create…
Wow! The Difference You Made.
A message from our executive director…Late last summer, I asked for your help. As always,…
Your School District’s (Full) Funding for 2024-2025
Mississippi’s public school districts will be fully funded for the 2024-2025 school year – the…
Voucher Lawsuit News, Education Bills Become Law
In a 7-2 decision, the Mississippi Supreme Court avoided ruling on the constitutionality of public…
2024 Legislative Session a Win for Public Schools
Thank you, thank you, thank you!For thousands of calls, texts, emails, and meetings. For early…