2016 Priority Bills
Each year, The Parents’ Campaign closely monitors and takes a position on several education bills. Below are the priority bills for the 2016 legislative session.
HB 33 – Revises the definition of “special needs” to include those with an active IEP within the past five years
HB 989 – Creates a statewide achievement school district comprised of all public schools that for two consecutive years receive an F rating; upon being absorbed by achievement district, governance of the school shall transfer from the local school board to a new statewide achievement district board
HB 1643 – Provides no increase in the MAEP over current year, cuts PreK-12 education overall by approximately $7.6-million from FY2016 funding levels, including a $1.5-million cut to the Schools for the Blind and the Deaf and a $6.1-million cut to MDE’s operational budget
SB 2161 Charter Schools & Funding – Allows any student in any district to cross school district lines to attend a charter school anywhere in Mississippi, with funding following the student to charter school in other district; allows charter schools to locate in C-rated districts without local school board approval; gives charter school teachers up to three years to obtain licensure and allows charter school teachers to participate in the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS)
SB 2438 Appointed Superintendents – Provides for all school district superintendents to be appointed, after January 1, 2019
SB 2858 – Reduces state revenue by $575-million upon full implementation; eliminates corporate franchise tax; eliminates corporate and individual 3% and 4% tax brackets; provides self-employment tax deduction
HB 29 – Gives authority to the Joint Legislative Committee on Performance Evaluation and Expenditure Review (PEER) to evaluate each school district’s curricula and programs of instruction and intervention to determine if they meet the committee’s definition of evidence-based; adds bureaucracy and reduces local control; withholds MAEP funds from districts not meeting PEER’s requirements
HB 47 – Requires that school district ratings be based solely on the previous school year’s assessment results, even in years when a new assessment is implemented; duplicates a significant portion of MDE’s accountability ratings process in the Office of the State Auditor
HB 49 – Makes educators subject to misdemeanor conviction, a fine of up to $10,000, and loss of professional license and certification if they contact legislators during school day or commit other offenses; school board members and superintendents subject to misdemeanor conviction and a fine of up to $10,000 if contact legislators at any time about legislation or policy of any kind
HB 91 – Allows any student of any public school in a school district rated D or F to transfer to another school within the district or to another school district; receiving school or district may deny the request if it does not have capacity to accept student; per pupil funding to follow the student
HB 458 – Opens the MAEP statute for undetermined revisions
HB 943 – Sends taxpayer dollars to private, for-profit, virtual, and home schools to cover the costs of tuition and other expenses See complete analysis
HB 958 – Makes educators subject to fines if they contact legislators during school day; school board members and superintendents subject to fines if contact legislators at any time about legislation or policy of any kind
HB 990 – Provides for the election of all school board members every four years at the time of the presidential election; changes boards that are currently appointed to all elected
HB 1044 – Allows students to cross school district lines to attend charter schools anywhere in Mississippi, with funding following the student to charter school in other district
HB 1080 – Provides taxpayer-funded vouchers to private, for-profit, virtual, and home schools to cover the costs of tuition and other expenses
SB 2158 Average Daily Membership – DEAD – Provides for use of Average Daily Membership (ADM) rather than Average Daily Attendance (ADA) to calculate MAEP funding, unless ADA falls below 95% of ADM; in effect as of 2017-2018 school year
SB 2385 – Sends taxpayer dollars to private, for-profit, virtual, and home schools to cover the costs of tuition and other expenses See complete analysis
SB 2695 – Provides taxpayer-funded vouchers to private, for-profit, virtual, and home schools to cover the costs of tuition and other expenses
SB 2858 Reduces state revenue by $575-million upon full implementation; eliminates corporate franchise tax; eliminates corporate and individual 3% and 4% tax brackets; provides self-employment tax deduction